Round Temple umbrella

We manufacture best quality temple umbrellas, our designs are never available at any other manufacturer.

Tirupathi Umbrella

we also manufacture best selling Tirupathi Umbrellas with variety of colors and designs, we use best quality cloth in multiple-layers to provide longevity of the product in parallel with the unmatched design

Temple Curtains

We manufacture any custom size temple screens/Curtains with many god and godess figures

Suryapana Chandrapana

This is held during processions along with umbrellas


Beesanige is used in temples to perform seva to the god.


Chamra is used in temples and poojas and havans to perform seva to the god.

God pillows

These are kept besides the god and godess to decorate.

Thombay / Cloth Pillar

These are mostly used in Chariots for decoration as well is in temples for decoration purposes


These are simple desgins to hang on the door front of temples.

Palakhi Cloth

This is a cloth for palkhi of god.

Pooje Kunitha

This coth comes behind the Pooje Kunitha.

Brass articles

We also sell metal made articles.